Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Where the magic happens!

I can't even begin to count the number of times that I've been asked, "Susan, do you have a blog?!?"

Sure I have a blog. I have a few, actually. 

My first blog was created in Live Journal in 2001, and was a near-daily chronicle of my life in my 20's. That got abandoned once Facebook became a daily part of my internet adventures. After that came the WordPress Blog in 2007 that is littered with pictures of my dogs, vacations, and now children.

So why don't I have a blog to chronicle my adventures in Educational Technology?

My ongoing excuse has been this - Why create a new blog when you already have folks like Alice Keeler and Tom Whitby doing the amazing things they do? How could I possibly have anything new or interesting to say?

I saw this image a few weeks ago, and it still hasn't left me.  Where the magic happens!!!

It's probably the same reason why still, after all of these years of holding a MA in Ed Tech. that I STILL haven't submitted to present at CUE or ISTE conferences. Outside of my comfort zone! It's not that I don't know how to present to educators. I've been doing it for years! 

My goal for 2014? Step outside of my comfort zone, and make some magic! Present outside of Fowler! Blog, blog, blog! 

Here we go?

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